Are you being harassed by Capital Resolve, a debt collection agency based in the UK? If so, you’re not alone. Many consumers are struggling to pay back their debts, and Capital Resolve is one of the companies tasked with collecting the money on behalf of creditors. This article will discuss ways to stop them if you owe them money, such as requesting validation, disputing the debt and understanding your rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. We will also offer tips on negotiating with the company and possible solutions to settle the debt. Finally, we will discuss how Credibble can help communicate with them on your behalf.

Who is Capital Resolve?

They are a debt collection agency based in the UK that specialises in helping individuals and businesses recover money consumers owe. Founded in 2012, they have become one of the country’s leading debt collection providers and have helped thousands of people resolve their debt issues.

Why am I being contacted by Capital Resolve?

They may contact you if you have an outstanding debt with a creditor or lender. They will typically attempt to contact you via phone or email and sometimes by post.

They will usually have been hired by the creditor or lender to recover the debt owed to them. The company will already have a copy of your account details and the amount of debt you owe.

Which companies use Capital Resolve?

They work with various creditors and lenders in the UK, including banks, financial institutions, utility companies, telecom providers, local councils and other debt collection agencies. They are particularly known for their expertise in consumer debt recovery from borrowers with unpaid credit cards, personal loans and store cards.

Some companies and organisations that use Capital Resolve to recover debts are Lloyds Banking Group, HSBC, RBS/Natwest, Santander, Local Councils, BT, Virgin Media and Sky.

How can Credibble help me?

Dealing with debt can be overwhelming, especially when debt collectors or bailiffs are involved. Don’t panic! The Credibble Team is here to help. We can help you to stop proceedings and reduce the cost of your debt for free.

We offer a unique debt solution service partnered with Equifax, a world leader providing consumer credit report data. This means we have instant access to all your major debt without you having to search through your paperwork. Furthermore, we’re supported by the Natwest Accelerator Programme for business and have a multiyear relationship with the organisation. Our extensive and unique personal finance knowledge goes far beyond debt solutions – so you can trust that you are in safe hands.

Can they take me to court for the debt?

They can take you to court if you do not pay your debt. They have the right to pursue legal action if they deem it necessary. This is because they are legally entitled to recover debts owed by individuals and businesses in the UK.

If they decide to take you to court, the process will begin with a letter of claim being sent to you. The letter will include details of the debt, how much it is and what action you must take to resolve it.

What action can Capital Resolve take against me?

They can act against individuals who do not pay their debts. These include sending letters or emails demanding payment, making phone calls or visiting in person to request payment, freezing bank accounts or taking money directly from wages. They may also send debt collectors to your address or take legal action against you by issuing a County Court Judgment (CCJ) or Statutory Demand. Click here to see how other people in debt rate Capital Resolve.

I don’t think I owe Capital Resolve any money at all.

You need to take action if you do not believe you owe them any money. The first thing to do is request debt validation from Capital Resolve. This will involve sending them a written request for proof of the debt, such as copies of invoices or statements, and asking for verification that the debt is valid and accurate.

Once you have received the validation, you can dispute the debt with them if you believe it inaccurate or invalid. This should be done in writing, including all your evidence and explanations for why you are disputing the debt. This process may take some time, but

What should I do if they contacts me?

Credibble can communicate with Capital Resolve on your behalf if the debt is valid and owed. This can help you to come to an amicable agreement that suits both parties and puts your mind at ease. We understand how stressful debt can be, so we will do everything we can to help you resolve with Capital Resolve, which works for both of you.

Credibble is here to help, no matter what your situation. Our goal is to provide the best debt solutions for you, and our team are available to answer any questions or discuss potential options.

How do I contact Capital Resolve?

Capital Resolve can be contacted by phone, email or post.
The telephone number for their UK head office is 020 3948 9001, and their contact line is open between 8 am and 5 pm Monday to Friday.
Alternatively, you can email them at or write to them at:
Capital Resolve Ltd
4th Floor, 70 Gracechurch Street
London EC3V 0HR

Frequently Asked Questions about Capital Resolve

Will they come to my home to collect debts?

How will Capital Resolve Ltd chase me if I don’t pay?

What rights do I have?

What is a County Court Judgement?

Will they take me to court?

Can you write off my debt?

Is Capital Resolve regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority?

What happens if I ignore debt collectors?

Do debt collection companies ever go away?

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