Who are BPO Collections?

BPO Collections are a debt collection agency that specialises in collecting unpaid debts. This agency works with creditors to resolve the outstanding financial obligations of individuals who are late or have defaulted on their payments. BPO Collections is an experienced debt collection agency with more than 25 years of experience in the business.

Will BPO come to my home to collect debts?

BPO Collections will typically not visit your home to collect a debt. Instead, the most common way for BPO Collections to contact you is by phone or postal mail. Sometimes, they may email you payment options and other details about your outstanding debt. They may even contact your employer for information about your wages and other assets.

BPO may employ field agents, who are hired to contact people in person or to perform repossession services if these measures become necessary. However, this is typically a last resort and will only occur when all other attempts to collect payment have been unsuccessful.

Can BPO Collections force entry into my home?

No, BPO Collections cannot force entry into your home. By law, debt collectors are not allowed to use threats or intimidation of any kind to collect a debt from an individual. This includes physically entering someone’s home without their permission, even if they owe money. If BPO Collections attempts to enter your home without your express permission, you can take legal action against them.

How can Credibble help me?

Dealing with debt can be overwhelming, especially when debt collectors or bailiffs get involved. Don’t panic! The Credibble Team is here to help. We can help you stop legal proceedings and reduce your debt for free.

We offer a smart debt tool to find all your main debts without searching through your paperwork. Our tool checks your debts against all the debt relief options you qualify for – so you know where you stand. Take the next step towards protecting your belongings and becoming debt free.

If you have received a letter or card from this debt collector, you can follow our two-step process:

Step 1: Use our smart debt tool to find all your debts and see if you qualify for a government-approved debt solution and;

Step 2: Request a call back to confirm all your options and agree on the most appropriate way to prevent legal action against you. Remember, all advice you receive is 100% free, and we aim to help you quickly and efficiently.

How can I contact BPO Collections Ltd?

You can contact BPO Collections Ltd. by phone, email or post. To ensure that your enquiry is handled quickly and effectively, providing all the relevant details regarding your account is important.

To contact them by phone, you can call their customer service line on 020 7449 6999. When calling, make sure to have your account number ready and be prepared to provide all the necessary information about your debt.

If you would rather contact BPO by email, you can write to helpdesk.bpo.uk@gmail.com. Alternatively, you can send a letter with your full details, including your name, address and account number, to their postal address.

Frequently Asked Questions about BPO Collections

What happens if I ignore my debts with BPO collections?

Can I write off all my debts with BPO Collections Ltd?

Who do BPO Collections Ltd collect debt for?

How can I pay BPO Collections?

Is BPO Collections Ltd a legitimate company?

Making a complaint about BPO Collections Ltd

Do BPO Collections work with HMRC?

Where can I go if I need debt help?

What is BPO Collections’ company registration number?

Will BPO Collections add additional interest or charges to my debt?

Can BPO Collections discuss my debt with other people?

Who is Graham Rankin?

How long will a County Court Judgment stay on my credit file?

What is a statute-barred debt?

What is the Consumer Credit Sourcebook?

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