Do you know what a County Court Judgement (CCJ) is and how it can affect your life? A CCJ is an official ruling from a court of law that requires the person to pay back money owed to another individual or company. It can have serious consequences for someone’s financial future, so it’s important to understand exactly what it is and how to manage or remove one from your record if needed. In this article, we will explore obtaining a CCJ, the implications of having one, and various options available for addressing debt. We will also provide advice on how Credibble’s debt experts can help you find your best debt solution.

In simple terms…

A County Court Judgment (CCJ) is a legal action creditors take to recoup money from those who owe them. It’s an instruction issued by the court that informs debtors of their repayment obligations, and it can be used as a straightforward method for creditors to secure what is rightfully theirs.

After carefully reviewing all evidence, the court will decide whether or not a debt truly exists. Upon confirmation of an outstanding balance due, they will issue a County Court Judgement (CCJ) indicating how that debt should be paid back.

How long do you have to respond to a CCJ

You must complete and return any County Court claim form received through the post within 14 days. The accompanying judgement will specify how much must be paid when payment must be made, and who should receive your remittance. Don’t delay! Ensure that all requirements are fulfilled on time for a worry-free experience.

Failing to provide all necessary details can result in a payment schedule you may be financially unable to comply with, potentially leading the court to initiate additional action.

Letter of claim

Before your creditor can proceed with a County Court Judgment (CCJ), they must provide you with all the relevant information regarding their claims against you, including details of any outstanding debt. Failure to respond to this letter may result in court action being taken without prior consultation or consideration.

You have 30 days to complete a form your creditor provides detailing the state of your finances, with honest information about how you plan on repaying debt. If you also need advice regarding repayment, make sure to mention it as well.

Even now, we can come to an amicable agreement and prevent protracted court proceedings.

How can Credibble help me?

Dealing with debt can be overwhelming, especially when debt collectors or bailiffs are involved. Don’t panic! The Credibble Team is here to help. We can help you to stop proceedings and reduce the cost of your debt for free.

We offer a unique debt solution service partnered with Equifax, a world leader providing consumer credit report data. This means we have instant access to all your major debt without you having to search through your paperwork. Furthermore, we’re supported by the Natwest Accelerator Programme for business and have a multiyear relationship with the organisation. Our extensive and unique personal finance knowledge goes far beyond debt solutions – so you can trust that you are in safe hands.

Recognising forms sent by the court

If the Consumer Credit Act regulates your debt, then before beginning court action, your creditor must have already defaulted on the initial agreement and sent you a notification in the mail.

To make sure that the documents you have received through the mail are indeed a County Court claim pack, please examine them for the following components:

N1 Claim Form

This form is to be completed by the debtor and returned to the court within 14 days. Failure to do so may result in a summons being issued and additional fees incurred.

N9 Response Pack

This pack contains information about the defendant’s debt, including any interest and fees added to the amount owed. The debtor must complete this form detailing how they intend to pay off their debt.

N9A Admission

If the individual agrees with the statement of truth and wishes to pay their debt without entering into court proceedings, this form must be completed. A payment plan that is affordable for both debtor and creditor should be outlined.

N9B Defence and counterclaim

If you believe that the information presented in the N9 Response Pack is false, then the debtor should use this form to enter a defence. Any errors or misstatements in the claim must be detailed here for court action to proceed.

Each form will feature the title prominently at the top, accompanied by its corresponding number in the bottom right corner. Your forms should display your respective court’s name, your name, and that of your creditor, along with any relevant account or reference numbers needed to establish a legal claim. Furthermore, all forms must contain an accurate amount owed plus full details regarding this debt obligation – if anything is missing here you’ll need to contact your creditor or court immediately for resolution before proceeding further.

Making payments

To make sure you are on track with your payments, always keep a record of them. Make sure to get a receipt from the creditor or their solicitors once payment is made. Consider setting up a standing order with your bank or building society for easy proof of charge should it ever be requested. As another failsafe, send cheques or postal orders through the registered post if further confirmation is needed.

If payments continue to arrive late, they could be taken back to court. You may be subjected to additional penalties and fees in such a case.

To modify your payments, you will need to file an N245 Application form and divulge all financial information detailing what you make as income versus how much is spent. Be sure that the amount allocated for payment can be reasonably afforded by yourself. A £50 court fee may also apply in this situation.


Failing to make your CCJ repayments

If you cannot make repayments due to a change of circumstances, or if the forms were returned too late or the wrong payment plans were recommended, you can apply your repayment terms being adjusted by the court. In addition, if you feel that such a judgement shouldn’t have been made in the first place – it’s possible to apply and ask for CCJ cancellation/removal.

It could be that you never got your paperwork, or the debt wasn’t yours to pay back. An in-person hearing may cost £255 and is mandatory in this case.

Use of bailiffs

To recoup the money you owe, your creditors may enlist the services of bailiffs. They must obtain a court order or warrant in advance for these bailiffs to come and collect what is owed from your residence or workplace. Generally speaking, you are provided with at least seven days’ notice before they arrive to reclaim debt payments – this can be avoided by sustaining regular repayment plans.

Additional CCJs or debts

If you’re struggling with multiple CCJs or debts, consolidating them into one regular payment could be the perfect solution. With a simple weekly or monthly arrangement, all of your costs will be made from just one place!

By staying on top of your payments, you can ensure no creditors or bailiffs will take further action. Plus, if your debts are less than £5,000, grouping them with an N92 Application For An Administration Order form is possible.

What is the CCJ Register?

If you’ve received a County Court Judgement (CCJ) in England or Wales, your details will be listed on the Register of Judgements, Orders and Fines – commonly known as the ‘CCJ Register’. This is an accessible register that contains information about all individuals who have been notified of CCJs.

Most County Court Judgements (CCJs) will appear on the register. However, some don’t. To be listed as eligible for registration, it must have been issued in default or defended with an instalment order or enforcement action taken by a court.

What’s on the CCJ Register?

The register includes the following details for every entry:

  • The name and address of the defendant
  • The court and unique case number
  • The date and amount of the judgement
  • Once resolved, it will also be updated to include this detail too

As mandated by regulations, all judgements registered against individuals must include the defendant’s date of birth and postcode. Exceptions can be applied if it is requested from the court in which the judgement was made. However, claimants’ information remains confidential to defendants who get it directly through said courts.

How long are CCJs recorded?

Unless revoked or ignored, a judgement will remain on the registry for six years from its registration date. However, judgements can be taken off before that timeframe if they were incorrectly filed, paid before court proceedings commenced or within thirty days of the judgement being issued.

The courts must promptly notify the Registry Trust of any changes to the register, including when a judgement is resolved or rescinded. Furthermore, credit reference agencies will receive these details too, which means that financial institutions can access and view your judgements on your credit report during credit applications.

After settling a CCJ (County Court Judgement) in full, you can apply for a “certificate of satisfaction”, confirming that it has been paid off even though the details would remain on the register.

Who can access the CCJ Register?

The Register of Judgments, Orders and Fines is available to all through Registry Trust Limited’s website. You can search for the details of other people or check your record at a minimal cost – each inquiry will cost you between £4 and £10. With access to this register, you can easily ensure that your financial decisions are based on accurate information.

Combing through the register is worth your time for both verifying all of your data and if you’re considering applying for credit. If you discover any discrepancies, contact Trust Online directly; they will facilitate an investigation with the court. Their contact information is below:

Telephone – 020 7380 0133

Frequently Asked Questions

Is a court Judgement the same as a CCJ?

Is a CCJ serious?

How does a CCJ affect your life?

Can I refuse to pay a CCJ?

What happens to CCJs after 6 years?

Can bailiffs force entry for a CCJ?

Can I still get a mortgage with a CCJ?

Does a CCJ affect buying a house?

Can my credit score go up with a CCJ?

Does a CCJ show up on a credit check?

How long does county court Judgement last?

How much does it cost to remove a CCJ?

Are defaults as bad as CCJs?

Does CCJ affect car insurance?

What is the minimum debt for CCJ?

As a creditor, what to do if you are not paid by CCJ?

Can you be given a CCJ without knowing?

Does a CCJ go against an address?


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